What intoxicates one, can care for the other
Kennst Du noch Alice? Das Mädchen, das in ihrem bunten Wunderland allerlei fantastische Abenteuer erlebt und deren Geschichte (ein bisschen) wie im Drogenrausch wirkt? Die Welt der „Drogenstoffe“ ist auch wie eine Art Wunderland – sowohl im negativen als auch im positiven Sinne. Die Jahrhunderte alte Geschichte der Arzneidrogen ist jedenfalls ganz schön wunderlich, denn ursprünglich wurden natürliche Drogenstoffe als Heilmittel eingesetzt, um Krankheiten zu heilen oder die Haut zu pflegen. Und auch heute noch sind beispielsweise Bestandteile von Hanf in Kosmetikprodukten sehr beliebt, weil sie über viele wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe verfügen, ohne dabei eine berauschende Wirkung zu haben. Erst die Dosis oder die Form macht das Gift und führt dazu, dass aus Heilpflanzen schädliche Drogen werden.
Heilmittel oder Rauschmittel?
The word “drug” has a completely different meaning today than it did over a hundred years ago. From a purely scientific point of view, a drug is actually just the dried part of a plant that was used in the production of medicines and was naturally available in pharmacies. Also the term “drugstore” comes along and describes a business which among other things sells medicinal drugs. In the past, “medicinal drugs” were understood to be natural medicinal herbs such as chamomile blossoms, St. John’s wort, liquorice roots or even gingko leaves. Even coca leaves, which were later used to make cocaine, were considered to be particularly beneficial and helped relieve many illnesses such as rheumatism, influenza, constipation or colic. Drugs also have a long tradition in cosmetic use. For example, ointments have been made from coca leaves, which, among other things, should alleviate hemorrhoids or promote blood circulation. For centuries, drug substances were drunk as tea, processed into tinctures and creams, or used as a stimulant. Such as alcohol, whose “overdose” is known to quickly lead to euphoria (finde ich hier ein besseres word als ecstasy). Which brings us to the current meaning of the term “drug”: An intoxicant or psychoactive substance that affects the central nervous system through its chemical composition and thus influences thinking, feeling, perception and behavior.
Damage or benefit?
The transitions are fluid
If used correctly drug substances (according to their original meaning) as a remedy can do a lot of good. Their bad rep is earned through their effect and they are – then as now – abused and an overdose can lead to serious damage and to death. The boundaries between medicine and intoxicants were fluid, especially at the time. In particular since many patients initially benefited greatly from taking these medicines. Not only did the drug substances alleviate their discomfort, they also happened to unleash unprecedented skills. For example, many famous writers are said to have drugs to thank for careers to a large extent. Such as the English author Robert Louis Stevenson, who wrote his novel “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde “under the influence of cocaine in a record time of only six days – just a good and a dark side.
Ein Wunderland im Rausch
Lewis Carrol allegedly wrote the children’s book classic “Alice in Wonderland” under the influence of drugs. Lewis is said to have received an opium tincture for his pain that made him high and prompted him to put this fantastic story on paper. A stroke of genius that inspired and influenced many generations and led to many interpretations. For example, “Alice in Wonderland” was seen by pop culture as a projection screen for the consumption of all kinds of drugs, which was not only due to the imaginative story. Even Alice takes varius substances that have been declared as non-toxic, for example to become larger or smaller. Even the Beatles are said to have been inspired by the book for various different songs, which shows the great cultural influence of the novel. Not out of pure coincidence does the British newspaper The Guardian rank “Alice in Wonderland” among the 1,000 novels that everyone should have read once. Apart from the fact that Alice also plays the role of somewhat of a figurehead for female emancipation. The ten-year-old had to make her own way through a world incomprehensible to her, which did not present her only with funny adventures, but also had her face fear and chaos. Whether all this may be due to the consumption of a drug is of course pure speculation, yet it shows what miraculous effect drug substances are still said to have. Even if their image has – over time – changed radically and we now know what devastating health consequences for the body and soul addictive drug use can have. Therefore: Say no to drugs and consume legal narcotics in moderation!
A hidden beauty elixir
The fact that natural medicinal drugs not only have a positive effect on health but also on beauty has been well known for centuries. Be it peppermint oil, which promotes the blood circulation of the skin thereby ensuring a rosy complexion or rose flower extract, which has a regenerating effect and smoothes small wrinkles. A real insider tip in terms of beauty care is also hemp. Especially the hemps’ seeds contain many valuable ingredients that benefit the skin and hair. Hemp oil or extract is therefore still a popular ingredient in many cosmetic products. Since it is derived from the so-called industrial hemp, which naturally has very little THC, it has no intoxicating effect whatsoever. Nevertheless, a fairly strong association with the prohibited narcotic cannabis does persist, even though this oil has very little in common with a drug in an intoxicating sense and is clearly classified in the category “blessing”. So drug does really not always equal drug.
Intoxicating effect for the face
In our FACE CREAM and FACE OIL, we swear by the beneficial effect of hemp oil, in our FACE SERVE and FACE TONICS by that of hemp extract, and appreciate the many vitamins, minerals and healthy fatty acids it contains. It is a real all-rounder and stimulates cell metabolism through its circulation-promoting effect, thus ensuring a fresher, younger and firmer complexion. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and soothes itching, pimples and acne. As an ingredient in our FACE CREAM, FACE SERUM, CARING FACE SERUM, FACE OIL, CARING FACE TONER, CLEARING FACE TONER, ANTIOXIDANT SERUM, it also intensively moisturises the skin and leads to a more balanced complexion overall. A true miracle product that can have a positive effect.